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Hostels and Hotels in Kirkcaldy
If you have a hotel in any of these locations then please contact us to list your hotel below, free of charge.
Anstruther, Burntisland, Cowdenbeath, Cupar, Dunfermline, Glenrothes, Inverkeithing, Kelty, Kinross, Kirkcaldy, Leven, Lochgelly, St Andrews
For UK travelers going abroad, we recommend Tenerife, with feel of the UK yet all the sun of Tenerife. Read an extract below from More Ketchup than Salsa, the story of a English couple who left the UK to set up life in Tenerife. Info on how to buy the book can be found below.
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Below you will find short extracts from More ketchup than Salsa by Joe Cawley – not to be missed.
Short Extract
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The policeman handed the stack of papers back to Siobhan, turned to Pedro and shrugged his shoulders. He said something in Spanish and then nodded at his partner before descending the stairs and walking off. Pedro was left at the top of the stairs with his hands on his hips, staring at the closed door. He began to knock but gave up after realising that Siobhan was not going to open it. He snapped something at the girl who was waiting at the bottom of the steps. She ran up and they grabbed two bin liners each before trudging back down the stairs and walking off dejectedly. In Mrs Tanner’s apartment a cheer went out, perhaps a little too prematurely. Pedro looked up over his shoulder to see Wayne pressing his nose against the window giving a one-fingered farewell. It was over. I felt four stone lighter, and that was even after a fistful of homemade scones and chocolate biscuits. In the bar that night, Joy was in party mood. The bad-tempered rants of some of our customers couldn’t shake her, nor could the protestations of Freidhelm who stabbed at his watch with a finger and wobbled his jowls disapprovingly. ‘Big problem,’ he croaked, but for us the big problem had finally gone and we could get back to our intended mission of trying to run a successful Tenerife bar. Having a job that doesn’t differentiate between weekdays and weekends means it’s difficult to mark the passing of time. It was only when we noticed that our local cash and carry seemed to be stacking an inordinate amount of sweets and nuts did we realise that Father Christmas had booked his flight and was halfway through packing. Panic set in as it dawned on us that we had made no preparations whatsoever with only three weeks to go.
Anstruther, Burntisland, Cowdenbeath, Cupar, Dunfermline, Glenrothes, Inverkeithing, Kelty, Kinross, Kirkcaldy, Leven, Lochgelly, St Andrews
This UK habit seemed exaggerated when exported to a culture in which unnecessary social nicety is considered an affliction rather than an asset. I had only been on the island for two weeks but had already become aware of just how many times the Brits bandy around pleases and thank yous compared with the Canarians. Take, for example, being seated at a restaurant. The waiter seats Mr and Mrs Brit if it’s a reasonably salubrious joint and they thank him. He hands them the menu. Thank you,’ they beam graciously.
Terry shot in from the patio and was already opening the front door to leave the apartment. I grabbed his arm. Remember, Terry, you can have him after we’ve sorted this out.’ Terry just grunted, picking up the holdall he had left at the entrance. We marched in unison up two short steps of stairs and around the block to Siobhan’s apartment. I motioned to the others to stay at the bottom while I quietly climbed the stairs leading up to Siobhan’s door. After checking that there were no signs of life within, I called the others up.