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Hostels and Hotels in Telford
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Broseley, Market Drayton, Much Wenlock, Shifnal, Telford, Newport
For UK travelers going abroad, we recommend Tenerife, with feel of the UK yet all the sun of Tenerife. Read an extract below from More Ketchup than Salsa, the story of a English couple who left the UK to set up life in Tenerife. Info on how to buy the book can be found below.
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Below you will find short extracts from More ketchup than Salsa by Joe Cawley – not to be missed.
Short Extract

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The sun filled the bedroom with an unearthly resonance that demanded we wake. I had one of those split second ‘where am I?’ moments before the rabid butterflies began to gnaw on the inside of my stomach. A new life began today. Not a trifling matter to ponder before even a bowl of cocoa puffs had passed my lips. At 7.45 a.m., the sun was already baking the pine furniture in the lounge, releasing an unusual warm-wood odour, a substitute for the damp plaster smell that I was accustomed to in Bolton. I filled the kettle with warm water from the cold tap and removed the jar of Carioca coffee from a plastic bag containing a basic welcome pack from el presidente. There were two cans of San Miguel beer, a bottle of water, a carton of semi-skimmed milk and a jar of apricot jam. No bread, just the jam. Eating was out of the question anyway, and after showering and putting on shorts and TT-shirts, we set out for the bar in anxious silence. We decided to take the scenic route, walking around the perimeter of the complex, down past the sea and back up what I breathlessly dubbed Cardiac Hill. Two or three florid bathing caps bobbed in the gentle wake a hundred yards from the rocky beach where neatly folded towels lay waiting. For the last few working days at the market, a vision of early morning dips in the warm ocean provided a constant distraction from my ice-cold fingertips and interminably damp feet. It was one of many anticipated pleasures but for now it would remain just that.
Broseley, Market Drayton, Much Wenlock, Shifnal, Telford, Newport
The curtains were open and I caught sight of a cavorting couple. They temporarily disentangled when they noticed an underpant-clad warrior beating his bedroom wall with over-sized footwear. I smiled and waved a flip-flop at them to demonstrate that I wasn’t really crazy. In the meantime, the mosquito had settled down at a cosy table for one on Joy’s left ankle. It seemed distracted as it read the menu so holding my breath, I slowly raised a hand. DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! Get back in bed and stop being an idiot.’ Meekly I obliged but I kept hold of one of my weapons just in case. As it was, my ungainly battle tactics weren’t needed again. My eyes jerked open as, from behind the curtain, a huge lizard sprinted over to where the gloating insect was now resting and disposed of it with one quick flick of its tongue. Great, we now had a carnivorous reptile to fend off instead. If we could just find a large cat to dispose of the lizard, then a mean dog to clear up the cat, a vicious bear to get rid of the dogÂ… and so on.
The day before we were due to move we had resigned ourselves to not finding a new home. We had neither the time nor the energy to look round properly and had no option but to rent a holiday studio in the Altamira for the time being. The view from our new home was jaw dropping. Double patio doors framed a tri-band of green lawn, turquoise sea and blue sky. However, the inside was not so agreeable. The small living/dining room doubled as a bedroom. The bed had to be folded away every night to make room to sit down, but the biggest problem was the sun’s rays which loitered on the glass doors for most of the day. Inside, the temperature was stifling. Although air-conditioning units were fitted in the hotel, they were never activated. The community of residents who owned several apartments had decided that the costs of such a luxury would weigh too heavily on their community bills. All units were controlled by the same master control so if one was switched off none of them functioned. It was like being in the Smugglers kitchen. What little available time we had for sleep was spent tossing and turning, trying to find a cool patch of pillow. Joy had taken to lying on the tiled floor in a bid to cool down. Even with the patio doors open, the breeze that circulated was only marginally cooler than the stuffy air we had trapped within, plus it was an open invitation to mosquitoes.