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Hostels and Hotels in Watford
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Abbots Langley, Borehamwood, Kings Langley, Radlett, Rickmansworth, Watford
For UK travelers going abroad, we recommend Tenerife, with feel of the UK yet all the sun of Tenerife. Read an extract below from More Ketchup than Salsa, the story of a English couple who left the UK to set up life in Tenerife. Info on how to buy the book can be found below.
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Below you will find short extracts from More ketchup than Salsa by Joe Cawley – not to be missed.
Short Extract

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Not only have we got sodding gangsters on this side,’ he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder, ‘you’ve got them next to you now as well. Only worse.’ Charley’s a gangster?’ I said incredulously. No. But her boyfriend is. She’s going out with James Priory for goodness sake J.P., the Mr Big. That man parked outside is James Priory’s minder. We’re all living in the middle of a war zone!’ In addition to the previous night’s revelation and subsequent sleepless night, we had another problem to deal with in the bar the following morning. Buster had taken to spraying anything and anybody that remained motionless for more than thirty seconds, and the stench was becoming unbearable. I could delay the inevitable no longer. It was time he met the manhood scissors.
Abbots Langley, Borehamwood, Kings Langley, Radlett, Rickmansworth, Watford
Joy dealt with the three at the bar and then rushed back to the kitchen to answer the ‘hotel reception’ bell that we had bought for the kitchen to signal when an order was ready. Faye and Carole continued chatting until another customer interrupted. Can I pay?’ asked the man. Err sure.’ Carole turned the piece of paper around in her hands but couldn’t make any sense out of it. Joooooy?’
Frank took on the last of our tasks, accompanied by his detective sidekick and Spanish translator, Danny. They were to take the Polaroids to the Hotel Conquistador and make enquiries as to whether the Czech girl was actually working there. For our part, in between running the bar and making sure that Siobhan’s friends were all right we had to buy a list of items that were necessary for the implementation of plan B. The first to report back with a breakthrough was Wayne. He’d followed Pedro to an apartment in Las Américas. After abandoning the car for a closer look, he’d seen Pedro opening the apartment door with a key and leaving several hours later in different clothes. It seems like the slimy fucker has another home,’ he beamed. This was a big breakthrough and was the first bullet we needed in the gun that was going to get rid of the two unwanted guests.