Good Hotel Guide
Hostels and Hotels in Leicester
If you have a hotel in any of these locations then please contact us to list your hotel below, free of charge.
Anstey, Bagworth, Coalville, Countesthorpe, Desford, Great Glen, Hinckley, Houghton On The Hill, Ibstock, Leicester, Loughborough, Lutterworth, Market Harborough, Markfield, Melton Mowbray, Mountsorrel, Narborough, Newbold Verdon, Oakham, Seagrave, Thurcaston, Wigston
For UK travelers going abroad, we recommend Tenerife, with feel of the UK yet all the sun of Tenerife. Read an extract below from More Ketchup than Salsa, the story of a English couple who left the UK to set up life in Tenerife. Info on how to buy the book can be found below.
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Below you will find short extracts from More ketchup than Salsa by Joe Cawley – not to be missed.
Short Extract
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There aren’t really seasons as such in Tenerife, merely different times of the year for different types of people. Summer, Christmas and most school holidays, were obviously the time for families and groups of young students. November to April was the time for the pensioners, or ‘fish brigade’ as we referred to them, due to their partiality for ‘a nice bit of fish’. Clickety-click was more or less the average age of our post-summer, pre-Christmas crowd. It was also their favourite pastime abroad. The bingo stalwarts arrived twenty minutes before we were due to start. After ordering tonic waters, cups of tea and for the more daring, halves of shandy, they all sat down expectantly, pens poised at the ready until business commenced. If the first card didn’t kick off exactly at the time stated on our ‘tonight’s entertainment’ blackboard at the top of the stairs, we knew the clucking would begin. It said ten o’clock. It’s ten past now.’ Bloody revolutions had started on the murmurings of less discontent. Six cards were the norm for the specialists and as Joy read out the numbers, the concentration was intense. Comments such as ‘Hang on, I’ve dropped me balls’, as number thirty-three bounced along the floor, were not appreciated.
Anstey, Bagworth, Coalville, Countesthorpe, Desford, Great Glen, Hinckley, Houghton On The Hill, Ibstock, Leicester, Loughborough, Lutterworth, Market Harborough, Markfield, Melton Mowbray, Mountsorrel, Narborough, Newbold Verdon, Oakham, Seagrave, Thurcaston, Wigston
After bailing out a small puddle he yanked on the starter rope and fired the bathtub into life. I had never been particularly good travelling on water or rather my insides hadn’t, although the outside was more than happy with the exfoliating sea spray, sun on skin and breeze through hair. Fortunately, as we set off the sea was remarkably calm. It’s still,’ I noted, content that even my weak stomach could hack this millpond. We’ve not left the harbour yet,’ said Frank. ‘It’ll be a bit choppier out there.’ Sure enough, as soon as we passed the harbour walls the boat began to lunge at the oncoming waves. Joy and I lurched back and forth on our bench like Muslims at prayer.
The Czech girl had handed over 25,000 pesetas to Joy and asked if she could pay the other 25,000 in four days when she was paid by the hotel. Joy had agreed, given her the keys and wrote a receipt, noting that the other half was due on the 1st of December. However, the 1st came and went without any sign of the girl. As did the 2nd and the 3rd. On the 4th Joy received another call, apologising for not coming in to pay. She explained that she’d been working every night and had not had the chance. She promised to come in the following night and sort it all out. Nobody had seen her since she moved in. She hadn’t been back in the bar for a drink and hadn’t been seen either entering or leaving her apartment. The girl now had only five nights left before Siobhan’s friends arrived for a fortnight’s stay, and we were both beginning to wonder if she was intending to pay any more or was just going to do a runner on her last day, next Sunday. That night in the bar we found out the situation was much worse than that. It was busy, even for a Tuesday, one of the changeover days. With the nights starting to become colder, plummeting to a chilly 60 Fahrenheit, our customers were forsaking al fresco dining for the nine inside tables. Those in long-sleeves and long trousers waited in the bar for their coach transfer to the airport and overnight flights home. The new arrivals, adamant that shorts and T-shirts would be worn no matter what the temperature dictated, studied their faces and exposed skin like it was a barometer for what they could expect.