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Hostels and Hotels in Blackburn
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Accrington, Barnoldswick, Blackburn, Burnley, Clitheroe, Colne, Darwen, Nelson, Rossendale
For UK travelers going abroad, we recommend Tenerife, with feel of the UK yet all the sun of Tenerife. Read an extract below from More Ketchup than Salsa, the story of a English couple who left the UK to set up life in Tenerife. Info on how to buy the book can be found below.
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Below you will find short extracts from More ketchup than Salsa by Joe Cawley – not to be missed.
Short Extract

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This was all happening too quickly. I hadn’t come to Tenerife to start employing hit men. I was a bar owner, a taxpayer, a nice guy. I also didn’t want to seem ungrateful to a burly hit man who was standing in my kitchen expecting employment. I thought you worked for Micky?’ I asked. I do,’ he answered, ‘but I do a bit of moonlighting. I’ve got a family to support.’ He suddenly looked alarmed. ‘Don’t tell Micky, though.’ ErrÂ… course not. How much is it, out of curiosity?’ I asked, not wanting to dismiss him without so much as a whiff of curiosity about his line of work.
Accrington, Barnoldswick, Blackburn, Burnley, Clitheroe, Colne, Darwen, Nelson, Rossendale
Frank was sat at the bar complaining how boring life was in Tenerife. ‘It’s enough to drive you to drink,’ he said, adding, ‘Another half here, Joy.’ You bored, Frank?’ I asked. Shitless,’ he replied. How are you with plumbing? Reckon you could fit a foot-operated tap in the kitchen for us?’
Aye, I found the daft sod spark out on his bedroom floor. He’s been on the pop for four days and nights,’ said Frank. Well, there’s shite all else to do round here, isn’t there,’ croaked Al. I told you. Go home, then,’ shouted Frank. ‘If you want to bleedin’ kill yourself, don’t bleedin’ do it in my house. Get yourself on a plane and go and top yourself in Liverpool.’ David and Faith were standing by the till. David was sucking deeply on a Marlboro Lite, something he always did in situations where he didn’t know how to react. Faith was standing slightly behind him, clutching a bottle of water, ready to refill Al’s glass. Go on, get that down you,’ barked Frank holding the glass of water in front of Al’s face.